
Posts Tagged ‘twitter’

Companies Ban Facebook Twitter

October 10, 2009 3 comments
Study Says “54 Percent of Companies Ban Facebook, Twitter at Work”

imagePlanning on firing off a short missive on Twitter or posting an update to your friends on Facebook from the office?

Better check the rules of your workplace first.

According to a study commissioned by Robert Half Technology, an IT staffing company, 54 percent of U.S. companies say they’ve banned workers from using social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace, while on the job. The study, released today, also found that 19 percent of companies allow social networking use only for business purposes, while 16 percent allow limited personal use.

Only 10 percent of the 1,400 CIOs interviewed said that their companies allow employees full access to social networks during work hours.

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Twitter says Barack Obama Nobel Price Itself a Joke

October 10, 2009 1 comment

President Barack Obama has won Nobel Peace Prize !!! has taken many people by surprise, including the President himself, who held a brief press conference this morning to discuss the award.

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Twitter Going to Sell Data To Microsoft or Google ?

October 10, 2009 1 comment

Micro-blogging site Twitter is reportedly in licensing talks with both Microsoft and Google.

image“Ever since Twitter launched, people have been wondering how the company plans to make money. One possibility was that it would launch its own search engine but going up against Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! isn’t something a lot of companies are eager to do. So what else can Twitter do to make money? Well, according to All Things Digital, Microsoft and Google are both speaking to Twitter regarding data-mining agreements and there are a several scenarios being discussed when it comes to compensating the site

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Google Going To Buy Twitter ?

October 10, 2009 2 comments

image “Just a few weeks ago, Twitter finalized a funding round that values it at around $1 billion, despite criticism and concerns over its ability to generate revenue and continue its growth. One piece of the puzzle may be falling into place: Twitter’s reported to be in advanced talks for mutli-million search deals with Microsoft and Google.

Clearly, Google sees great value in Twitter and its real-time search. It also faces new, stiff competition from Bing and even Facebook. The news of the deal poses an important question, though: Does Google need Twitter? And if so, how much? The answer to that question could be the difference in the Google vs. Bing battle.

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Barack Obama breaking Record On Twitter

October 9, 2009 1 comment

If you’re wondering why half of the Twitter trends are currently related to US president Barack Obama, news broke recently that he has been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.

The official site of the Nobel Foundation is dying under the sudden surge of traffic, but the list of the Nobel Peace Prize laureates has already been updated, as you can see in the screenshot below.

This is a somewhat surprising move by the Nobel Committee, since Barack Obama simply hasn’t had enough time as president to do all that he had set out to accomplish. Still, Thorbjorn Jagland, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, claims that the prize was awarded based on Obama’s work so far. “We are not awarding the prize for what may happen in the future but for what he has done in the previous year. We would hope this will enhance what he is trying to do,” he said.

Twitter is currently overwhelmed with tweets related to the event, and is at times unresponsive, but it’s still holding on. Dozens of topics related to the award and Obama are currently extremely popular on Tweetmeme. If Twitter manages to go through this eventful day (NASA’s LCROSS project, as well as Miley Cyrus quitting Twitter are also popular topics) without a meltdown, it’ll be quite an accomplishment for the service that’s so often troubled with downtime.”


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Twitter Launching in More Languages

October 9, 2009 Leave a comment

How do you say “What are you doing?” in Spanish, French, Italian, or German? That’s what Twitter wants to know, as it’s asking users to volunteer for a new project to translate the site into multiple languages (it’s currently available in only English and Japanese).

The project sounds quite similar to what Facebook has done to translate its site into more than 70 languages.

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Twitter Is Frozen in Time

October 8, 2009 1 comment

Twitter might be talking to Google and Microsoft about multi-million dollar search deals, but apparently, someone forgot to start the engines on the service this morning.

Many user’s timelines haven’t updated in nearly an hour, and on my account, all of my followers and people I’m following are missing. Yikes!

Somewhat ironically, Twitter(Twitter) search still appears to be working in near real-time, so you can see other users complaining about their timelines not updating.
No word yet from Twitter on what’s up, but we’ll update when we know more. Are you experiencing the Twitter time freeze? Let us know in the comments.

Update: As of 9:20PT, Twitter is “currently investigating a problem causing many users’ timelines to be delayed.”

Image courtesy of iStockphoto(iStockphoto), hidesy

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