
Posts Tagged ‘mobile’

Google Search Options Come to Mobile

October 8, 2009 Leave a comment

Back in May, when Google launched a spiffy new suite of search options at their Searchology event, users got a gambit of new tools for exploring different kinds of content posted withing different time ranges.

Today, Google has announced that the same options are coming to mobile search. Now, mobile users will have the same options on-the-go as they do when using Google search from their personal computer.

For many smartphone users in the U.S., search options will include the ability to pare down and filter results to get very specific, optimized pages. This will apply for owners of iPhones, Android devices, and Palm WebOS devices.

As Google software engineer Reza Ziaei wrote this evening on the Google Mobile blog, "You can do this simply by searching for the name of the product. Then, on the search results page, use ‘Options’ to filter by ‘Forums’ and refine further by choosing ‘Past week.’ See the screenshots below for a sample query. Try these and other Search Options yourself by simply doing a mobile search on and selecting Options."

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The iPhone Is Not The End Of Innovation

October 3, 2009 3 comments

There’s just something when we see a dominant technology out there that makes people assume that no one will ever out innovate it, and then fear that we’re stuck with the dominant player forever. Adam Theirer has a post discussing this concept in relation to a recent paper by Robert Hahn and Hal Singer, Why the iPhone Won’t Last Forever and What the Government Should Do to Promote its Successor, which highlights how dominant platforms often appear insurmountable, but often quickly are defeated from unexpected sources. Thus, worrying about things like exclusive arrangements or if the platform is too closed off may be a waste of time. Eventually, the market ends up taking care of it. The paper points out that previous technologies are often declared the "end of innovation" as well, such as the Motorola MicroTAC flip phone (I had one, ages ago), which Fortune described in 1989 by saying:

Portable phones won’t get a lot smaller than this one. After all, they have to reach from your ear to your mouth.

Take a look one of oldest mobile phone:

Oldest Mobile Phone

And no more innovation ever happened in mobile phones over the past twenty years, right? Tags: ,,,

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