
Posts Tagged ‘chrome’

What is a browser?

October 7, 2009 Leave a comment


I’ve been trying to explain to my mom for months what a web browser is, with little luck. After a few rounds of failed attempts, I grew curious about people’s general understanding of web browsers. So I decided to conduct a highly-scientific (read: not scientific at all) survey of my friends and got the following results:

As it turns out, my mom’s not the only one {!} who is confused about web browsers — even though the browser is one of the most-used programs on computers.
For my mom, my friends and everyone else who may be wondering about web browsers, I created a one minute video to help explain what they’re all about about:


I’ve also created a simple site,, that gives even more information about browsers. On this site, you can see which web browser you’re using, explore links to browser diagnostic tests and read some useful tips for getting the most out of your browser.
Lots of our time each day is spent online, and every page on the web is experienced through the browser. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that there are many browsers out there, which differ on features like speed, security and extensibility.
So, the next time you find yourself as the informal tech support for your family and friends, make sure to explain why their browser matters — and of course, what it is!
Posted by Jason Toff, Associate Product Marketing Manager and son of Alla Toff

How to Use Google Chrome Pin Tab Feature

October 6, 2009 Leave a comment


I’m a big Chrome cheerer. Google’s nifty browser has made the internet experience faster and better, all the while taking less computer memory. Today I will be going over Google Chrome’s Pin Tab feature.

The Pin Tab feature is somewhat similar to Windows 7’s Pin to the taskbar.


By right-clicking on a tab in Google Chrome, the user can enable the ‘Pin Tab’ option. When this is done, the tab is reduced in size and slid over the far-left. This saves the tab from being mistakenly closed by the user.

All you need to get started is pin one tab; the rest of the tabs you want pinned can be dragged over the pinned one, and they get automatically pinned.

The Chrome version this was used on was Versions earlier than this should be checked for this feature.

Chrome OS Rumored to Hit Chinese Netbooks Next Month

October 3, 2009 1 comment


We’ve learned to be skeptical of Chrome OS rumors, but PC World picks up on a manufacturing news tip about at least one netbook manufacturer possibly installing "preview builds" of Google’s Chrome Operating System and shipping those devices in late October. While we’d guess that the market for a thoroughly untested Chrome OS on non-name-brand netbooks would be fairly thin, if the report is accurate, we’d at least get to see the ideas behind Google’s quick-loading system sooner rather than later. That said, drink this in with a huge grain of salt. [PC World]